“Highgate House shaped me as the mother I am today”
“I spent my early days as a mother here. Highgate House shaped me as the mother I am today. My kids spent their early days as little people here. Highgate House shaped them as the adults they will be in the future. Highgate House gifted as with the imagination & creativity we have today. I love this place & I’ll be forever grateful. They both started at Highgate at 18 months & left at 5.5 years old. They now enjoy school, homework & learning. Their teachers observe them to be eager & curious learners that are active in class, eager to help their peers & teachers, courageous to try new things, and are not afraid to fail. They are both sociable & can fit in many peer groups. I credit all of that to the 5 years we spent at Highgate House.”
Joanne Kan, mother of Jasmine (age 12), Jeanie (age 8)
both currently at ISF G6 & G2.
“Highgate educates both the mind and soul. This is the kind of education I want for my children.”
“The older two of three our children (Portia and Sean) were very fortunate to attend Highgate House when we were living in Hong Kong. There were many times where we wished that we’d stayed for a couple more years in Hong Kong so that our youngest (Timmy) could also have the benefit of the Highgate education. Here’s why…
Highgate is an excellent pre-school. The teachers at Highgate were not just well trained in the ways of Steiner Waldorf, they were also dedicated and highly qualified pre-school educationalists who truly understood what early years education was about, what pre-schoolers needed in order to develop that essential foundation so as to blossom and flower, and the aspirations and apprehensions of parents who are embarking on their first step in seeking a first-class international education for their children in the specific context of Hong Kong (and beyond).
People often ask why I feel so strongly about Highgate. This is sometimes difficult to articulate, but I believe is captured by this – Highgate educates both the mind and the soul. This is the kind of education that I want for my children. Today, this unique offering is a very rare find. ”
Xiaolin Chin & Derek Kwan
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Parent / Caregiver & Baby
Parent / Caregiver & Child
Nursery and Kindergarten
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