Located on the Peak with open views of the mountains and sea we provide a retreat away from the city bustle with easy safe access. The classrooms are exceptionally spacious to allow children freedom of movement in their activities.
We have a unique 2000+sq ft garden area specially designed with sandpit, water play, wooden climbing equipment, gardening and rabbit area providing children with daily outdoor activities.
Gardening is introduced from an early age, with the children helping to grow produce that can be used in soups or seasonal dishes. Children have all weather clothing and footwear in school so that we can enjoy the natural elements in all seasons. Children naturally love to splash in puddles or run free on a windy day, reveling in the experience of being outside and connected with nature.
Parent Area

We are delighted to offer a library and lounge area for learning and sharing ideas on child development and parenting. We have provided this comfortable workshop space with open plan kitchen located by the Parent and Baby/Child ‘Blossom Room’ on the ground floor. Parents are welcome to sign up for workshops, for class parent coffee mornings or for book clubs. We also have a private consultation room for appointments with parent relations staff or for counseling sessions as well as one to one parent workshops as required.
In addition, there is a school shop retailing a selection of hand-made toys, gifts, crafts, natural remedies, and books.
Registration Form (PDF)
Parent / Caregiver & Baby
Parent / Caregiver & Child
Nursery and Kindergarten
Highgate House School Social Media

“The older two of three our children (Portia and Sean) were very fortunate to attend Highgate House when we were living in Hong Kong. There were many times where we wished that we’d stayed for a couple more years in Hong Kong so that our youngest (Timmy) could also have the benefit of the Highgate education. Here’s why… Highgate is an excellent pre-school. The teachers at Highgate were not just well trained in the ways of Steiner Waldorf, they were also dedicated and highly qualified pr… Read more
“Highgate House shaped me as the mother I am today,I spent my early days as a mother here. Highgate House shaped me as the mother I am today. My kids spent their early days as little people here. Highgate House shaped them as the adults they will be in the future. Highgate House gifted as with the imagination & creativity we have today… Read more